Covid 19 Ramblings and Reasons to Jump Aboard the Banana Bread Train

Covid 19 Ramblings and Reasons to Jump Aboard the Banana Bread Train
11 May 2020
By Lia Bote

It has been days in quarantine. Or weeks. Or months? Everything is a blur. These are extraordinary times, and everyone is coping with this Covid-19 pandemic in vastly different ways. Of course, we’re all trying our best; I know many of you are doing what you can by staying at home, keeping informed, donating to charities, or even working in the frontlines yourselves! It’s inspiring to see amazing things come out of what is otherwise a terrifying and disheartening set of circumstances. 

I also know that many people are taking this time to try new things, develop skills, and work on personal goals. And while this also takes many fun and creative forms, there’s something interesting that I’ve noticed is common amongst all my friends, wherever it is they may be: banana bread. 

Banana Bread

Is that just me? It’s on Instagram stories, Facebook posts, and the family WhatsApp group chat. Just last week I gave in and made my own loaf, and it was absolutely wonderful! If you haven’t already, here’s a few reasons why I think you should get on the banana bread train. 

1. It’s pretty forgiving. 

With ingredients that you probably already have, and techniques that you may already be familiar with - even a novice baker can make banana bread! Unlike cakes that are tedious to frost, chewy cookies that are tricky to time, or soufflés that are reserved for only the most ambitious of bakers, banana bread is a relatively easy start to your home baking endeavours. 

2. It’s the ultimate comfort food. 

What’s more comforting than sugar and carbs? Customise it with whatever nuts or chocolate you may have, enjoy it warm with a glass of milk, or share it with the loved ones you’re stuck at home with! And in times like these, we could all use a little bit more comfort. 

3. It’s helpful for cutting down on food waste. 

These are not times of plenty. With grocery store trips now few and far between, and staple items flying off the shelves like crazy, it’s likely we’re all going to have to live with what we have in our pantries. Since it’s the fresh produce that spoils first, baking a warm loaf of bread is the perfect way to prevent your bananas from going bad!

Whatever it is you choose to do with your quarantine time, and your quarantine bananas, we at FiliFest hope you keep safe, happy, and healthy! 

See how the other FiliFest Committee members are spending their time at home!